We follow the government guidance set out in the Primary Framework for the teaching of English, and we plan units of teaching for English through an integrated curriculum structure so that there is a real context for the work undertaken. We adhere to the National Curriculum Framework.
"Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or duty. It should be offered to as a precious gift."
At Lapford Community Primary School, we believe reading is key for academic success, and we make it priority to provide pupils with the appropriate skills and attitudes to create a love of reading and inspire pupils to read for enjoyment.
From their very first day at school, children are systematically taught the skills that they need to be able to read independently. Phonics teaching begins when the children start school in Reception, following the 'Twinkl’ phonics scheme. We want to ensure that all children have access to a range of high quality literature throughout their time with us, regardless of their ability. Whilst children are developing their ability to recognise, use and blend letter sounds, they are introduced to the joy of reading through immersion in picture books, big books, stories and factual books. The children take books to read at home daily, which match the phonics phase that they are learning. In Year One, we continue to teach discrete phonics sessions ensuring children have regular opportunities to apply their increasing phonic knowledge when reading a range of texts.
From Year 2, the children undertake regular guided reading sessions with the staff in their class, and have a wide selection of reading materials to choose from. High quality literature is used across the curriculum to enhance the learning. Our trained teaching assistants offer interventions to support phonics and reading throughout the school.
In all classes we enjoy daily story time, where children listen to their teachers enthral them with exciting stories and adventures. We pride ourselves on providing access to a range of quality literature, in stimulating classroom environments. Shared reading is celebrated across school, with the intention to develop fluency, broaden vocabulary and deepen understanding through expressive, modelled reading.
We value and recognise the support of parents and carers and positively encourage parental involvement. We provide guidance on how to help children to read, both in the early stages and later on, when they can read more fluently. We hold parental workshops and open our classrooms weekly in order to host ‘Shared Reading’ workshops with our families.
Please refer to our 'Reading at Lapford Community Primary School' document for further information on how the ‘teaching of reading’ is delivered at Lapford Community Primary School.
"You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book."
For ideas of books for your children to read, please click here, which will take you to the Book Trust website. This website offers reading recommendations for all age groups.
‘If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.’
Writing is an integral part of our curriculum.
Our writing, grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum programmes of study. Lessons take place every day.
Lessons are carefully planned in sequences and build towards a piece of writing, which showcases pupils' acquired knowledge, skills and understanding. Teachers pay careful attention to the cohorts in school when planning for writing and tailor the lessons to meet the needs and interests of our pupils. We believe the sharing of stories and books in class develops essential skills for learning, such as: developing a higher aptitude for learning; developing speech skills; improving communication skills; generating logical thinking; and enhancing concentration. We carefully choose our class books to engage readers and encourage writing.
Our teaching of grammar ensures that pupils are provided with the opportunity to apply the knowledge of grammatical structures into their own writing.
Pupils are taught how to understand the relationships between words, word meaning, implied meaning and figurative language within writing lessons, whilst ensuring that children are supported in their spelling strategies. Pupils are taught to control their speaking and writing consciously and to use correct Standard English, knowing when and how to experiment with authorial tone and structure.
Teachers at Lapford Primary School proactively develop vocabulary, building systematically on children’s current knowledge. We feel this increases pupils’ store of words in general; simultaneously, they should also make links between known and new vocabulary and discuss the shades of meaning in similar words. It is particularly important to introduce children into the language which defines each subject in its own right, such as accurate mathematical and scientific language.