Curriculum Vision
At the heart of our educational philosophy lies a commitment to fostering a nurturing environment where compassion, ambition, and teamwork flourish. Our vision is to inspire every student to realise their potential through a supportive community that values kindness and understanding. We believe that by cultivating a spirit of ambition, we empower our learners to strive for excellence and embrace challenges with resilience. Moreover, teamwork underscores our approach, as we recognise that collaboration enriches the learning experience and prepares our students to thrive in an interconnected world. Together, we aim to develop not only knowledgeable individuals but also compassionate citizens.
Lapford Primary School has chosen a knowledge-engaged curriculum. This means following a skills-progression curriculum model with knowledge underpinning the application of skills. The 2002 Education Act requires schools to provide a ‘balanced and broadly based curriculum’ which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of children at our school and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
Our curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure broad and balanced coverage of the National Curriculum, while being enhanced through trips, experiences and visitors. We feel strongly that our curriculum should reflect children’s own experiences and interests. Our topic choices celebrate our local, rural community and compare them to more urban or coastal locations. A sense of belonging and community is key, so we incorporate this into all areas of school life, while broadening the children’s knowledge of the wider world in which they live. We hope that this varied curriculum will serve them well as they take the next step in their education, and become active global citizens, who strive to achieve great things.
Due to our mixed age classes, we follow a rolling programme. Our half termly units of work alternate between a history or geography driver, with explicit links being made to prior learning. This helps learners to make sense of new knowledge, to create links between past experiences, and to apply previously learnt skills to new areas.
'Golden Threads’ of learning are weaved throughout our history, geography and science curriculum, which ensure that key concepts, knowledge and skills are revisited and built upon as the children progress through the school.
While some subjects (such as Science and Computing) are taught discretely, we endeavour to make links between subjects on half-termly topics to reinforce curricular content and ensure children learn and remember more.
Sequences of work are carefully planned to ensure children gain the key knowledge and skills intended throughout a unit. These component parts lead towards a final composite task, in which children demonstrate the depth of their learning, and enable pupils to answer the overarching big question.
We think it is vital that learners are engaged and motivated by their topics. We plan an exciting trip, visitor or experience for each topic. These are known as our ‘Memorable Moments’.
Children leave Lapford Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content they have been taught. Termly and end-of-year assessments demonstrate the progress children make and their books showcase their learning journey. Children can talk confidently about their learning using subject-specific vocabulary accurately and appropriately. Our SEND provision, and the adaptations that teachers make within lessons, ensure SEND children achieve to their full potential and make good progress from their starting points.
Children at Lapford are well-rounded, capable and caring individuals who are exemplary citizens. Children have the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to lead a rich and fulfilling life, with positive relationships, and a strong sense of commitment to making a positive contribution to the world.